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Asli Kiliç Pianistin



Porträt von Asli Kiliç
Asli Kiliç virtuose Pianistin

“... technically and emotionally, it seems there are no limits for her.” F.A.Z 

“... technically and emotionally, it seems there are no limits for her” F.A.Z 

Asli Kiliç international renommierte Musikerin

Piano recital with works by Bach, Liszt, Janacek


October 04, 2024

Piano recital with works by Debussy, Ravel, Satie

Bad Wimpfen

August 14,2024

Piano trio with works by Fanny Mendelssohn

Chamber Music Festival Speyer / State Philharmonic Orchestra Rhineland-Palatinate

July 7, 2024

Asli Kilç internationale Pianistin
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"With courage against the confusion of the ears" (...) Her clear, distinct articulation, her fascinating technique, and the wonderful way she caressed the lyrical earworms seemed to have enchanted the orchestral musicians (...) Rheinpfalz, July 8, 2003, Gerd Kowa

"Musicalized Rosy Cheeks" (...) Pianist Asli Kilic had already stood out in the challenging accompaniment with sensitivity and expressiveness. The positive impression was further enhanced during her solo contribution (...) Mannheimer Morgen, January 12, 2006, Waltraut Brunst.

Between eternal love and futile passion (...) Titled 'Of Eternal Love,' the concert by the sisters Sirin Kilic (mezzo-soprano) and Asli Kilic (piano) was not only marked by songs like Brahms' title song but also pleased friends of piano music (...) Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, December 19, 2007, Peter Lahr

"With dreamlike ease over technical hurdles" She fulfills the requirements of a great career because, in addition to outstanding skill, she - and thus she is additionally gifted - has enormous artistic charisma (...) Rheinpfalz, May 10, 2004, Marie-Louise Funk."

With great passion at the keyboard (...) The pianist opened up a rich palette of expressions in the concluding performance of Six Piano Pieces op. 118 by Brahms. She brought deeply felt secrets to light with great lyrical sensitivity (...) Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, May 30, 2009, Rainer Köhl

Athletics at the Piano in the Living Room (...) Her debut CD features Mozart, Schumann, Beethoven, and Brahms—no virtuoso fodder as many young stars scatter among the public. Here, someone would rather demonstrate their maturity (...) Mannheimer Morgen, May 22, 2009, Hans-Günter Fischer

(...) A convincing debut performance by Asli Kiliç (...) Piano NEWS, July 3, 2009, Carsten Dürer

CD Review: Mozart to Brahms (...) The Frankfurt native, Kiliç, proves to be a quite capable interpreter, from whom one would gladly hear more in the future, whether it be the music of Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, or indeed Mozart and Brahms (...), June 5, 2009, Aron Sayed."

"CD Review: 'Energetic' (...) infused with so much temperament and powerfully enthusiastic commitment (...) (...) based on an excellent pianistic technique (...) FONO FORUM, July 30, 2009, Mario-Felix Vogt

CD Review: 'Please More of This' (...) Rodenstein Records has done well to open its promising classical production with this pianist, playing at the highest level both technically and in terms of presentation. (...) Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung, July 15, 2009, Dr. Klaus Peter Andrießen."

"Stormy Contrasts" (...) As a listener, one could immerse oneself entirely in this expansive composition, so that the somewhat abrupt ending felt like waking up from a dream (...) Rheinpfalz, June 8, 2010, Gereon Hoffmann

"Voice and Expression" (...) The sisters Sirin and Asli Kiliç captivate with a song evening at the Neustadt Königsmühle (...) Rheinpfalz, September 8, 2009, Hans Kraus.

Painful Processes (...) Asli Kiliç engages with these excessive experiences of suffering by presenting the confessions grippingly and powerfully (...) (...) orchestral athleticism in Kiliç's playing (...) Mannheimer Morgen, June 10, 2010, Monika Lanzendörfer

"Exciting Dialogues with the Orchestra" (...) The award-winning pianist Asli Kilic mastered the challenges with playful expressiveness and virtuosity (...) Mannheimer Morgen, February 13, 2007

Breath of Poetry With great sensitivity and a keen sense of poetic breath (...) Mannheimer Morgen, February 13, 2014, Stefan M. Dettlinger

Virtuosity in Conflict (...) The expansive dynamics aim for orchestral dimensions. Kiliç derives from it a wealth of culinary motifs and melodies (...) Mannheimer Morgen, January 22, 2011, Monika Lanzendörfer

Exposed sound paths to the abyss (...) And Kilic presents the (almost) complete Janácek not only through this selection but also through her approach to interpretation. She balances harshness and sweetness, cantabile and sharp edge, already evident in the more accessible collection 'On Overgrown Paths,' with its almost earworm-like (and also abbreviated) beauties. But not uncompromisingly. (...) A strong impression lingers. Mannheimer Morgen, February 21, 2014, Hans-Günter Fischer

CD Review: (...) And in the magnificent Sonata 1.10.1905, the pianist truly finds a matured impetus, constantly interrupted by secondary thoughts and musical experiences, allowing the listener to grasp the form of the work. (...) In this interpretation, Asli Kili gives this sonata a serious but consistently coherent idea that convinces. This is truly magnificent piano playing! Piano News, May 1, 2014, Carsten Dürer

SONIC BLISS: The Scriabin Code 'Seeing: Hearing' Rodenstein Records... That Scriabin's highly virtuosic piano music still sounds tonally original and refreshingly modern today is proven by the wonderful pianist Asli Kiliç in seven selected solo pieces... Kulturkomplott/CD Review 'The Scriabin Code,' September 8, 2015, Hans-Jürgen Schaal

CD Review: NMZ CD Recommendation (...) no one from the younger generation of pianists does justice to the extramusical content in Janácek's work musically and pianistically like Asli Kilic. Neue Musikzeitung, April 1, 2014, Andreas Kolb

In a total of three sets, pieces are played in an alternating fashion, skillfully and at times robustly interpreted by Asli Kilic... The symbiosis works wonderfully because Albrecht's jazz pieces capture the gesture or even literal quotes of the corresponding Scriabin piece and clothe them in jazz attire, always revealing their own unique approaches... Mannheimer Morgen, October 10, 2015, Sebastian Herold

...The Mannheim pianist Asli Kilic played the originals, allowing the bold harmonies, diminished and augmented sevenths, ninths, and elevens to take effect, just as the whole narcotizing impact of the sounds, along with their magic and vibrant colorfulness. The mystique of Scriabin's music, the shimmering, iridescent, and radiant qualities that Asli Kilic captured, was reflected in the arrangements of the ensemble. Rheinpfalz, October 10, 2015, Rainer Köhl

Versatile pianist...finest dynamic nuances are revealed and savored. Even if one has already sensed it, Kilic confesses: 'These are pieces that are very close to my heart.' Mannheimer Morgen, July 12, 2016, Simeon Holub

...Most impressive, however, was her fifteen-minute recital...turned the concert into a magnificent event... Badische Neueste Nachrichten, May 23, 2016, Peter Bastian

...the dramatic, emotional performance was of impeccable clarity and exemplary transparency...with nobility and passion, Kilic tackled the infernally challenging pieces...thanks to superb technique, the music maintains a crystal-clear transparency even in places where Liszt sounds bizarrely profound, manic, and torn...the well-filled Pilgersaal echoed with enthusiastic applause. RZ-Rhein-Lahn-Kreis, July 20, 2017, Karl Haxel

„ impressive tapestry of sound unfolded, repeatedly interrupted by thundering eighth-note runs from the virtuoso soloist... In the second movement, after the wonderfully expressive, quiet introduction by the strings of the Stamitz Orchestra, Asli Kilic convinced with her clear, crystalline sound. The virtuosic solo cadenzas in the third movement were played by the pianist in a sober tone, perfectly attuned to the classicistic nature of these passages. With breathtaking runs, accompanied by the delicate pizzicato of the strings, she ascended to the abrupt, radiant conclusion. The audience in the sold-out Rechbergsaal of the Bruchsal Civic Center responded enthusiastically..." Landfunker, January 28, 2020, Luisa Mergel.

Porträt vom Asli Kiliç

Asli Kilic begins piano lessons at the age of 5 in her hometown Frankfurt am Main am Dr. Hoch's Conservatory.  Her music studies took her to the music academies in Mannheim and Cologne, where she completed her studies with professors Paul Dan, Ragna Schirmer and Arbo Valdma. She also received important impulses from Peter Feuchtwanger, Therese Dussaut and especially from Natalia Zinsadze, celebrated pianist and student of the legendary Heinrich Neuhaus.

Asli Kiliç, renommierte internationale Pianistin


Asli Kilic Pianistin


Piano recital with works by Debussy, Ravel, Satie

Bad Wimpfen

August 14,2024

Piano recital with works by Bach, Liszt, Janacek


October 04, 2024

Piano trio with works by Fanny Mendelssohn

Chamber Music Festival Speyer / State Philharmonic Orchestra Rhineland-Palatinate

July 7, 2024


Asli Kilic begins piano lessons at the age of 5 in her hometown Frankfurt am Main am Dr. Hoch's Conservatory.  Her music studies took her to the music academies in Mannheim and Cologne, where she completed her studies with professors Paul Dan, Ragna Schirmer and Arbo Valdma. She also received important impulses from Peter Feuchtwanger, Therese Dussaut and especially from Natalia Zinsadze, celebrated pianist and student of the legendary Heinrich Neuhaus.

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